Now is the acceptable moment!

Thanks to all who have visited this site

and those who have taken time to encourage me.

I was working with a patron last week for several days.

How distracted we are from real life!

We live virtually on our phones and devices.

We live vicariously in other people’s stories, real and otherwise.

But they are not our stories.

Not our life.

Work on turning that around.

Some suggestions.

No phone or devices after a certain hour.

Nor before a certain time in the morning.

You rule them, not they you.

Leave phone at home or in the car whenever possible.

Only God or a physical person should be able to get you at points during your day.

It is your day!

Yes you have connections.

Family, friends, work.

But YOU are the one to decide when these may break in on you.

This is not selfish.

This is self preservation!

This is having a self to connect with others.

Too many shell selves around.

No substance.

No intention.

No will.

Too much dependence on direction from outside.

Take back your life!

Live it from inner values and virtues,

a spiritual tradition or traditions that nourish

YOUR life!

And then . . . you will have to surrender that life.

But more on that later.

You can’t surrender a life if you don’t have a life.

First things first.

NOW is the acceptable moment

to work on that self,

that life,

your life.


21 September 2018