"Shelter in Place"

Explication de texte.

Imperative statement.

You should do X.

You must do X!

“Shelter”—in this case a verb.

To seek safety, protection, refuge.

To escape from something threatening. 

To find a safe harbor.

“In place”—where you are,

the physical locale, e.g., your home.

More profoundly, who you are, i.e.,

within yourself.


Biblical criticism: Sitz em leben.

The Kingdom of God is within you!

Seek first that Kingdom within, 

and all else will follow as a matter of course.

The Lord is my rock and foundation.

The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.

Nothing to fear: if God is for us, who can be against us?

Stronger still, vis a vis the pandemic and economic collapse:

we know not what we shall become; but here and now,

we are God’s children!

Would a father or mother give the child a stone 

if the child asked for bread?

Now is the acceptable time:

rejoice in your portion, your inheritance!


The paradox: if you would save your life, lose it!

The Lord tests those whom the Lord loves.

Like gold in the furnace, the Lord tries the chosen ones.

Job, Jesus, Joan.

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him!


Shelter in place.

Rest in the Lord.

Wait patiently on him.

He will give your heart’s desire.

                                                          And on the third day, . . . 



28 April 2020

Robert Fecas